New posts in sendmail

Why is sendmail adding an extra carriage return in headers?

How to configure sendmail to use a different SMTP server?

Disable mailing in cron globaly

process mail in /var/spool/clientmqueue in linux

setting reply-to in

Changing default from e-mail address for system accounts when using sendmail

sendmail vs smtp server

Is there a way to completely disable outbound opportunistic TLS support in SendMail?

Is there a graceful way to pick up new changes in sendmail?

Getting SENDMAIL (as a client) to use AUTH LOGIN

Send email from rails console

Send SMTP email using System.Net.Mail via Exchange Online (Office 365)

How can I decrypt STARTTLS communication over SMTP in a packet capture (if I have the private key)?

Sendmail authenticating with DKIM but Roundcube is not authenticating

Fixing starttls verify=fail, verifymsg=unable to get local issuer certificate

(Sendmail) Is possible to change the received email path?

Sendmail very slow - /etc/hosts configuration

What is the maximum message size that SendMail can successfully receive and where would the bottlenecks be?

Mails are not receiving in Squirrelmail?

DKIM multiple mail servers