New posts in selenium-webdriver

What does #document mean?

How to use/attach an existing browser using Selenium?

Why Selenium couldn't find any element on page before I used time.sleep()?

Wait for Download to finish in selenium webdriver JAVA

PhantomJS with Selenium error: Message: 'phantomjs' executable needs to be in PATH

How can I close Chrome driver and clear from memory in Selenium C# and SpecFlow using a parallel testing setup?

Selenium xpath selector based on the element text

Disable images in Selenium Python

Is there a proved mouseOver workaround for FirefoxDriver in Selenium2?

Locating an element by id

Selenium 2 Webdriver and IE 9 Security Certificate

Selenium::WebDriver::Error::JavascriptError: waiting for evaluate.js load failed Firefox 23

ElementNotInteractableException: Message: Element is not reachable by keyboard error sending text to input field using Selenium and Python

Import "" could not be resolved when using Selenium in VS Code

How can I wait for a condition?

Click on Load more element using Selenium and Python

If double slash (//) is used 2 times in XPath, what does it mean?

How to check if element exists using

Fatal error: Class 'PHPUnit_Extensions_Selenium2TestCase' not found in *.php

How do I load a javascript file into the DOM using selenium?