New posts in script

How to: Create a playlist with full albums for which one (or more) of its contained tracks has a 5 star rating?

Terminal command to move all loose files into a directory with the file name

Ruby shell instead of Bash shell in Ubuntu?

Run .cmd file every x minutes when app is being used?

An Automator workflow for extracting text as speech from PDF files

An automated iTunes?

How can I open Google Chrome in Presentation mode using a shell script

How do I configure Firefox through a script?

Scripting on iPad - accessing features like accelerometer, GPS, etc

Starting a script on xfce login and logout?

Zip the contents of every sub-folder in a folder in Mac automatically

VIM plugin creation tutorial?

newline in bash variable

Run script before every Time Machine backup?

Move Dock to another screen edge when unplugging monitor

How do you close a file that you've opened with /usr/bin/open?

Why does this cause Mac OSX to print over SSH?

How to evaluate the state of the OS X from a shell script?

List Mapped Drives of All Users

SSH could not create directory /home/USERNAME/.ssh