New posts in script

Accessing a remote mounted directory from Windows CMD.EXE

Does Mac OS X's bash read scripts for all users (tab-completion scripts) from /opt/local/etc/bash_completion.d path?

How to run a command inside a script without specifying the exact location?

Terminal Speedtest Script MacOS

Create an automator script to create folder + move files into created folder

How can I select all files of a type in a non-Finder, application window?

Tar extract a stream of tar files

How to access GPS data from command line on jailbroken iPhone

How to iterate items of the window with dynamic title

Execute script on login Fedora 21

Creating directory name from file name - strip out non alpha numeric characters and make lower case

How can I script making a backup of recently modified files in Bash?

How to run unix script in login screen before user logs in?

Checking if option is selected under System Preference on Mac

Under Ubuntu, how can I place a shell alias command that will be global to everyone?

Sending commands to parent tmux session from vim

Bash background process still blocking script flow in subshell

Bash script variable with comma seperated values is not comma seperated when appended to a different file

shortcut for opening cmd.exe at a certain location

Automate package installation via shell script for macOS?