New posts in scala

scala: How to pass an expanded list as varargs into a method?

Scala and forward references [duplicate]

Can we use match to check the type of a class

How can colored terminal output be disabled for sbt/play?

Update operations on a Scala Case Class

Apache Spark, add an "CASE WHEN ... ELSE ..." calculated column to an existing DataFrame

how to creat spark dataframe from a Map(string,any) scala?

No configuration setting found for key 'akka.version'

Forward References - why does this code compile?

Automatically and Elegantly flatten DataFrame in Spark SQL

In Scala, how to get a slice of a list from nth element to the end of the list without knowing the length?

ScalaTest: Assert exceptions in failed futures (non-blocking)

How do I access default parameter values via Scala reflection?

Scala String vs java.lang.String - type inference

Java 8 Stream, getting head and tail

Scala repl throws error

Use functional combinators on Scala Tuples?

Difference between case class and case object?

How can I convert a Java Iterable to a Scala Iterable?

Are there any provable real-world languages? (scala?)