New posts in sandbox

What does lsboxd process do on os x?

Third party application cannot write to disk

How do I create a Java sandbox?

Run an untrusted C program in a sandbox in Linux that prevents it from opening files, forking, etc.?

Automatically Save Attachments in in 10.8 Mountain Lion

What is sandboxing?

How to fix sandbox violations by airportd?

How can I avoid permission-related failures when importing in via AppleScript?

Process (fmfd) spamming my console with sandbox denies

Reading file contents on the client-side in javascript in various browsers

Sandbox on Mac OS X

How to enforce sandbox rules for the particular app?

Sandbox against malicious code in a Java application

Is there a way to see all files and registry entries that an application installs?

How can I run an untrusted executable on linux safely?

How can I create a secure Lua sandbox?

What is '~/Library/Application Scripts'?

How do I use my existing KeePass database on my new iPad without iTunes on a computer?

How to isolate an application from the system (fully sandboxed application)?

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