New posts in samsung

Samsung M2070W scanner no longer working in 17.10

Ubuntu Won't Boot After Install on Samsung NP915S3G: error "All boot options are tried." [duplicate]

How to use Samsung TV Camera VG-STC5000 on Ubuntu 20.04?

Ubuntu 12.04 failed to reboot after unsuccessful update done on 28/8/2013

Samsung Magician on Ubuntu 14.04

Samsung M2020 on Ubuntu

Samsung Galaxy Buds+ Bluetooth Headset works on Pipewire?

Getting function keys working on Samsung RV510 notebook

How to setup Samsung M2070FW network scanner

Why does the Terminal keep showing "^[[2~" randomly?

Samsung TV "Mirror Screen"

Is it safe to install Ubuntu 64 Bit 12.10 in EFI mode on Samsung series 7 WIndows 8 laptop?

Can't boot Ubuntu or Windows 8 after Ubuntu 64-bit install on Samsung series 7 Windows 8 laptop, error "All boot options are tried."

Mouse lag while running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS in 4K with this monitor: LU28E590DS

How to set the monitor to its native resolution which is not listed in the resolutions list?

True Ubuntu on Chromebook ARM