Getting function keys working on Samsung RV510 notebook
there are two main problems, i had too and i fixed this way:
1) you have to force release of the keys (search internet) Pratically you have to add your exaxct pc model name to the file /lib/udev/rules.d/95-keyboard-force-release.rules
to take exact name of the pc run:
sudo dmidecode -s system-product-name
Then add the model like this on the file:
ENV{DMI_VENDOR}=="[sS][aA][mM][sS][uU][nN][gG]*", ATTR{[dmi/id]product_name}=="*N128*|*N130*|*N140*|*N210*|*N220*|*SR70S/SR71S*|*YOURMODEL*",
RUN+=" $devpath samsung-other"
2) Install voria's samsung-backlight module:
Hope is useful.
Edit: I just made the Fn keys work!
You don't need the script (..what a good finding) so you did success to:
- Made the keys works? (OK)
- Installed backlight module? (OK)
Now just modify the grub file:
in a terminal write:
sudo nano /etc/default/grub
(Insert your password)
Then modify the 8th line like this:
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash acpi_backlight=vendor"
Then save the file (CTRL + O) and exit (CTRL + X)
then write:
sudo update-grub
Now reebot your pc (..Finger crossed) your Fn + UP and Fn + Down will work!
well, if the keys now work you did the half work good. Damn samsung RV510! :)
I didn't made the modification to grub but i just remembered that i made a script to modify the file (of backlight module) that contain the value of the brightness..
When you press the Fn + Up or Fn + Down the value of backlight is changed in this file:
/sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness (that contains a number 0 - 7)
Instead you need to modify this file with a script to change value of backlight:
<-- this works
So, now your problem is only to do a script that modify the file and then associate to a shortcut like CTRL + Up and CTRL + Down (I didn't success to use the Fn key)
If can help, i made the script "like" this with the proper modifications mensioned before:
PS: do NOT come back to windows! :)