New posts in rvm

Rails keeps telling me that it's not currently installed

RVM is not working in ZSH

rvm: command not found MAC OX

rails server fails to start with mysql2 using rvm & ruby 1.9.2-p0 on OSX 10.6.5

bundler vs RVM vs gems vs RubyGems vs gemsets vs system ruby [closed]

How do I change my Ruby version using RVM?

Installing in Homebrew errors

cannot load such file -- zlib even after using rvm pkg install zlib

Ruby installation issues with RVM

Removing all installed Gems and starting over

How do I upgrade my ruby 1.9.2-p0 to the latest patch level using rvm?

Why do I need to run "/bin/bash --login"

RVM Command: source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm

Getting "Warning! PATH is not properly set up" when doing rvm use 2.0.0 --default

Why am I having / how can I fix this error: "shell_session_update: command not found"

RVM: Uninstalling all gems of a gemset

How do RVM and rbenv actually work?

Is there a python equivalent of Ruby's 'rvm'?

Homebrew - Somehow it happened there is no executable openssl

Install autoreconf on OS X v10.7 (Lion)?