New posts in ruby-on-rails-3

Rails Schema Design Software?

RSpec test if all models respond_to attribute

How to test ElasticSearch in a Rails application (Rspec)

How to integrate a Wrap Bootstrap theme into an Rails application?

Rails 3 - how do I avoid database altogether?

What's the difference between find, where and find_by_id?

What is the fastest way to render json in rails

Devise not allowing active resource to access the services

Setting up a polymorphic has_many :through relationship

validate email format only if not blank Rails 3

In Rails, what's the nicest way to create a specific time (not now) in a particular time zone?

Ruby 1.9 - invalid multibyte char (US-ASCII)

Errno::ECONNREFUSED: Connection refused - connect(2) for action mailer

How to set up MiniTest?

Rails: Per-environment initializers?

How to store a percentage value?

Rails: Difference between create and new methods in ActiveRecord?

Listing the names of associated models

Find model records by ID in the order the array of IDs were given

Rails 3: Passenger can't find git gems installed by bundler