New posts in router

file transfer speed over wifi homesharing too slow

how to connect 2 independent computer networks?

How can a DSL gateway have an IP address outside of the router's network?

Does the DHCP server know about static IP addresses set in end devices?

Why is google showing me a different external IP address than router

How to change the default TTL of TCP/IP packets?

Can internet gateways be plugged straight into a layer 2 switch?

Internet monitor/filter solution for home network

Connect Router with Access Point by WiFi

Access external IP from inside the network?

What is a kernel intrusion on my router?

DNSMasq wildcard top level domain/suffix

DD-WRT: dnsmasq headaches with static hosts

monowall vs pfsense

Why use half duplex at all?

How to use UDP hole punching for a SSH tunnel / session

Bonding two wifi adapters

NAT vs. port forwarding [duplicate]

Wifi connected but no internet

Enterprise grade router, when to get it?