New posts in root

The opposite of su: run a command without root privileges

How do I delete a folder

How to run a program as root without "sudo"?

Whats the difference between SUDO and Changing to root [duplicate]

mona is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported

Root folder on my Ubuntu 16.04 with an (X)

Since Ubuntu disables the root account by default, why not disable root shell access also?

Run script as root at login (no sudoer user, shell session)

PermitRootLogin is no, I cannot login but why password is asked from user?

How to open folder in Finder as root (like right-click on folder does in Linux)?

What is the difference between `su` and `su -` in CentOS?

How can I run Sublime Text from the launcher as root every time?

Root password change reverted after reboot

Why are we advised to not log into SSH as Root [duplicate]

What is different between root and sudo?

How to recover the root password on ubuntu server [duplicate]

Script Execution at user logout (non root user)

Is SSH remote execution more secure as local non-root?

Write once, read many (WORM) using Linux file system

How to run a .run file as root?