New posts in reboot

Why does Mac OS X need to reboot for updates so often?

Error Message: "A reboot is pending. Please restart before starting Visual Studio

Why sudo is needed for rebooting in terminal but not from the GUI?

Want chrome close normally when shutdown or reboot ubuntu 18.04

Problems after deleting Bootcamp Partion/EFI

Laptop error while starting (check cable connection)

Apache restarting : "Graceful restart requested, doing restart"

connecting a SSH tunnel on reboot?

Laptop screen is black after restart

`shutdown -r now` command completely shutting down instead of restarting

linux shell, keep task alive for specified time

If I soft reboot into another OS what happens to all the memory from the previously booted OS

Why does `reboot` and `poweroff` work without super user privileges in Ubuntu 16.04?

how to restore windows 7 to a know working state every time it boots

How can I convince Windows 7 to reboot upon hibernating rather than powering down?

Ubuntu Server 14.04 - RAID5 created with mdadm disappears after reboot

PC getting stuck at the Intel boot screen

Restore work space after reboot? [duplicate]

In windows 7, during startup, why do my icons go blank and then reappear

Why does restarting a computer solve wifi connectivity issues?