If I soft reboot into another OS what happens to all the memory from the previously booted OS

If I was to restart my computer without cutting power by performing a soft reboot, but then going into bios and booting into another OS on the startup screen, like going from windows to a linux live cd, would some data persisting in memory just remain there until the space is needed by the new OS or would it begin disappearing right away?

Solution 1:

In older computers, during the POST phase, the BIOS traditionally performed a "memory test" which entailed writing to and rereading the whole of the physical RAM. However, this process can take much time, and RAM is much larger today, and also the process is rather bad at detecting bad memory, so it is disabled by default on many modern computers.

Memory is then not cleared on soft reboot. How much data is left depends on the RAM technology, the power down time before the new boot, and the temperature.

This fact is not a security concern, since most modern operating systems protect against RAM leftovers by zeroing out allocated RAM pages before handing them to applications.

Thus, while physical RAM contents might contain interesting remnants of past data, this is accessible only to kernel code using special API calls, while user-mode code only sees zeroes.