New posts in random

Difference between mt_rand() and rand()

How to generate random positive and negative numbers in Java [duplicate]

Random number in a loop [duplicate]

Array index is always 0, even though it should be random [duplicate]

how to query seed used by random.random()?

Creating same random number sequence in Python, NumPy and R

What is the best way to generate random numbers in C++?

Does an infinite random sequence contain all finite sequences?

How do I simulate flip of biased coin?

Random 3D points uniformly distributed on an ellipse shaped window of a sphere

Best way to generate a random float in C# [closed]

How to get mysql random integer range?

Fast way to generate pseudo-random bits with a given probability of 0 or 1 for each bit

Creating a random number generator from a coin toss

How to generate random variable names in C++ using macros?

How to use function srand() with time.h? [duplicate]

Entity Framework Include OrderBy random generates duplicate data

Random number generator that produces a power-law distribution?

Get a random sample with replacement

Algorithm to generate Poisson and binomial random numbers?