how to query seed used by random.random()?

Solution 1:

It is not possible to get the automatic seed back out from the generator. I normally generate seeds like this:

seed = random.randrange(sys.maxsize)
rng = random.Random(seed)
print("Seed was:", seed)

This way it is time-based, so each time you run the script (manually) it will be different, but if you are using multiple generators they won't have the same seed simply because they were created almost simultaneously.

Solution 2:

The state of the random number generator isn't always simply a seed. For example, a secure PRNG typically has an entropy buffer, which is a larger block of data.

You can, however, save and restore the entire state of the randon number generator, so you can reproduce its results later on:

import random

old_state = random.getstate()
print random.random()

print random.random()

# You can also restore the state into your own instance of the PRNG, to avoid
# thread-safety issues from using the default, global instance.
prng = random.Random()
print prng.random()

The results of getstate can, of course, be pickled if you want to save it persistently.