Destruction order of static objects in C++
Can I control the order static objects are being destructed? Is there any way to enforce my desired order? For example to specify in some way that I would like a certain object to be destroyed last, or at least after another static object?
The static objects are destructed in the reverse order of construction. And the order of construction is very hard to control. The only thing you can be sure of is that two objects defined in the same compilation unit will be constructed in the order of definition. Anything else is more or less random.
The other answers to this insist that it can't be done. And they're right, according to the spec -- but there is a trick that will let you do it.
Create only a single static variable, of a class or struct that contains all the other things you would normally make static variables, like so:
class StaticVariables {
StaticVariables(): pvar1(new Var1Type), pvar2(new Var2Type) { };
Var1Type *pvar1;
Var2Type *pvar2;
static StaticVariables svars;
You can create the variables in whatever order you need to, and more importantly, destroy them in whatever order you need to, in the constructor and destructor for StaticVariables
. To make this completely transparent, you can create static references to the variables too, like so:
static Var1Type &var1(*svars.var1);
Voilà -- total control. :-) That said, this is extra work, and generally unnecessary. But when it is necessary, it's very useful to know about it.