New posts in r

State name to abbreviation

Variance Inflation Factor in Python

Categorizing variable and make it a dummy in R

Object not found error when passing model formula to another function

ggplot: Adding Regression Line Equation and R2 with Facet [duplicate]

Leaflet Legend for Custom Markers in R

Creating (and Accessing) a Sparse Matrix with NA default entries

R DBI ODBC error: nanodbc/nanodbc.cpp:3110: 07009: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Invalid Descriptor Index

POST request using RCurl

Add values to a reactive table in shiny

How can I drop unused levels from a data frame?

Figure position in markdown when converting to PDF with knitr and pandoc

Aggregating hourly data into daily aggregates

How to webscrape secured pages in R (https links) (using readHTMLTable from XML package)?

R Markdown HTML Number Figures

Issue with ggplot2, geom_bar, and position="dodge": stacked has correct y values, dodged does not

Avoiding the infamous "eval(parse())" construct

How to group by two columns in R

Ignore escape characters (backslashes) in R strings

How to give subtitles for subplot in plot_ly using R