New posts in prototype

What does the function declaration "sub function($$)" mean?

What can the JavaScript prototype system do beyond mimicking a classical class system?

Objects don't inherit prototyped functions

Why is JavaScript prototype property undefined on new objects?

How to access object prototype in javascript?

Why is it impossible to change constructor function from prototype?

Understanding Crockford's Object.create shim

Does Object.keys(anObject) return anObject's prototype? [duplicate]

Do class functions/variables have to be declared before being used?

Does Python have class prototypes (or forward declarations)?

Can I construct a JavaScript object without using the new keyword?

What is the significance of the double brackets for the [[prototype]] property in JavaScript?

Grasping prototypical Inheritance through pseudoclassical instantiation (JavaScript)

JavaScript: instanceof operator

Setting methods through prototype object or in constructor, difference? [duplicate]

'this' is undefined in JavaScript class methods

Adding Prototype to JavaScript Object Literal

Update parent scope variable in AngularJS

What use does the JavaScript forEach method have (that map can't do)?

Properties of Javascript function objects