New posts in probability

Use Rao-Blackwell Theorem to find the UMVUE

If the gambler's fallacy is false, how do notions of "expected number" of events work?

Independence of Gaussian variables

Sufficient condition for convergence in mean

Probability of claims using homogeneous Poisson distribution

Multinomial sum with positive coefficients

Why is my reasoning incorrect - probability?

Hoeffding type inequality for bounding deviation of a sequence

Can Cauchy Schwarz inequality be proven using Jensen's inequality?

Proof that extreme estimators are consistent

Nth Combination

Distribution of days in a week on Christmas

Prove that $\mathbb P(X>Y) =\frac{b}{a + b}$ if $X, Y$ are exponentially distributed with parameters $a$ and $b$.

Number of couples sitting at same table

Examples of universal constructions in probability theory

Negative Binomial and Geometric Distributions

Binomial probability doesn't give the correct number?

Distributions without finite moments

Connection between the Gamma function and gamma distribution

Basic probability question: Regarding recurring events with different probability.