New posts in probability

Martingale constructed with Bernoulli random variables

The king comes from a family of 2 children. What is the probability that the other child is his sister?

Probability of a random graph being triangle-free

Probability that last child is a boy

Is there any counterexample to show that $X,Y$ are two random variables and $E(X\mid Y)=E(X)$, but $X$ and $Y$ are not independent.

Expected Value of Non-negative integer random variable: Author's proof?

Probability of drawing all 4 balls

Crisis in my understanding of probability [duplicate]

Probability of the maximum of n binomial random variables being less than n

OR-port $A\cdot B$: its conditional probabilities with zero working probability for each component? Reductio ad absurdum?

Compute the expectation of X

If $U\sim\chi_{m}^2$ independently of $V\sim\chi_n^2$ then prove that $\frac{V}{U+V}\sim\beta\left(\frac n2,\frac m2\right)$

Mutually exclusive events

How to prove P(A ∪ B) = P(A) + P(B|A′)P(A′)?

What is the value of $\prod_{i=1}^\infty \left(1-\frac{1}{2^i}\right)$? [duplicate]

You roll a die until you get a $5$, what is the expected value of the minimum value rolled?

Conditional probability

How do I simulate flip of biased coin?

Expectation of an event

Going from 30 to 100 in a coin flip game.