New posts in port

802.1X: What EXACTLY is it regarding WPA and EAP?

Should I run my small website in port 80, 8080, or 81?

How to kill a process by port on MacOS, a la fuser -k 9000/tcp

outbound ports that are always open

Is it safe to serve HTTP/HTTPS over ports 8080/8443

Change Oracle port from port 8080

How do I port forward a Linux computer?

What happens if two local systems download the same resource on same port?

Why is System listening on port 8000?

Rewrite to port 80 with Apache

FTP/SSL in passive mode with portrange, which ports has to be open on the firewall?

Access localhost from the internet [closed]

Windows Command to check if a remote server port is opened?

Multiple processes listening on the same port; how is it possible?

How do I stop Skype from using HTTP or HTTPS ports 80 and 443? [closed]

iptables for Windows to redirect traffic

How to run different apps on single Tomcat instance behind different ports?

Find out what program runs in the java.exe process

Linux command get unused port

How to kill a particular tcp connection in windows?