New posts in pointer-arithmetic

For a pointer p, could p < p+1 be false in an extreme case?

Pointer arithmetics with two different buffers

which one is the correct type of an array variable? (for using with pointers in C)

Does the C standard permit assigning an arbitrary value to a pointer and incrementing it?

Array-syntax vs pointer-syntax and code generation?

Pointer arithmetic when void has unknown size [closed]

What purpose is the lookup table serving in this code?

Pointer/Address difference [duplicate]

Address canonical form and pointer arithmetic

Why can void pointers be subtracted but not added?

How does this piece of code determine array size without using sizeof( )?

Pointer Arithmetic In C

C/C++: Pointer Arithmetic

Pointer arithmetic for void pointer in C

Pointer Arithmetic [closed]

With arrays, why is it the case that a[5] == 5[a]?