New posts in pipe

Appending a line to a file in the cat command?

pipe and stdin redirection to cat

How to declare a pipe globally to use in different modules?

How to search through a man page?

Cat, Grep, Redirect Output.... Blank File?

What does "2>&1" do when posted BEFORE 1>x?

Pipe email from google apps to server php script

What are reasons for local Windows named-pipes to fail?

Rendering HTML from a pipe

How can I stop following output in less, without affecting the command generating the output?

Grep-ing gzipped files [duplicate]

How can I pipe initial input into process which will then be interactive?

Piping with Process substitution and joining output again

Unzip from stdin to stdout - funzip, python

Split output of command by columns using Bash?

How to execute the output of a command within the current shell?

How can I get a list of all open named pipes in Windows?

Using python how can I pass data between child and main processes with Queue?

How can I both pipe and display output in Windows' command line?

Piping buffer to external command in Vim