How can I get a list of all open named pipes in Windows?

Is there an easy way to test whether your named pipe is working correctly? I want to make sure that the data I'm sending from my app is actually being sent. Is there a quick and easy way to get a list of all the named pipes?

You can view these with Process Explorer from sysinternals. Use the "Find -> Find Handle or DLL..." option and enter the pattern "\Device\NamedPipe\". It will show you which processes have which pipes open.

In the Windows Powershell console, type


If your OS version is greater than Windows 7, you can also type
get-childitem \\.\pipe\

This returns a list of objects. If you want the name only:

(get-childitem \\.\pipe\).FullName

(The second example \\.\pipe\ does not work in Powershell 7, but the first example does)

Try the following instead:

String[] listOfPipes = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(@"\\.\pipe\");