New posts in php-fpm

How can I find out why my php5-fpm failed to start?

chroot php-fpm process to user's home

Nginx + PHP-FPM produce 502 bad gateway instead of fatal error?

How to set 644 permission on php-fpm log file?

nginx + php fpm -> 404 php pages - file not found

Apache and multiple PHP-FPM pools

php-fpm php_network_getaddresses calls randomly start failing with bad udp cksum

Docker - scaling nginx and php-fpm seperately

blank page with errors in browser's console

different php.ini settings for various virtualhost (php-fpm)

Munin dynamic graph zoom (dynazoom) not working (Nginx, PHP-FPM)

nginx with php-fpm downloading php files rather than executing them on mac os x (local environment)

Differences between mod_fastcgi and mod_proxy_fcgi

How to pass custom parameters to PHP from Nginx?

nginx 404 instead of 403 for empty directory

nginx and php-fpm: "Primary script unknown" while reading response header from upstream

phpMyAdmin having problems on nginx and php-fpm on RHEL 6

Nginx not logging PHP errors

php-fpm returning empty response to nginx

Nginx + Php5-fpm not rendering php files