New posts in perl

How should I do integer division in Perl?

NRPE and Perl - cannot include ANYTHING or it breaks

How can I manually interpolate string escapes in a Perl string?

Why can't I match my string from standard input in Perl?

What does the function declaration "sub function($$)" mean?

How can I find the version of an installed Perl module?

Rename - what does "s//" vs "y//" mean?

How can I install CPAN modules locally without root access ( line 229 error)?

Why do my Perl tests fail with use encoding 'utf8'?

How can I convert the stringified version of array reference to actual array reference in Perl?

Trying to install CPAN

How do I ignore the Perl shebang on Windows with Apache 2?

What is the difference between new Some::Class and Some::Class->new() in Perl?

Differences between linux and Solaris /usr/bin/env

How do I tell what type of value is in a Perl variable?

How can I repeat a string N times in Perl?

CPAN vs. APT: Conflicts in versions?

What is the difference between Perl's ( or, and ) and ( ||, && ) short-circuit operators?

Global symbol requires explicit package name

How does double arrow (=>) operator work in Perl?