What is the difference between Perl's ( or, and ) and ( ||, && ) short-circuit operators?

Solution 1:

Due to the low precedence of the 'or' operator, or3 parses as follows:

sub or3 {
    my ($a,$b) = @_;
    (return $a) or $b;

The usual advice is to only use the 'or' operator for control flow:

@info = stat($file) or die;

For more discussion, see the perl manual: http://perldoc.perl.org/perlop.html#Logical-or-and-Exclusive-Or

Solution 2:

What rules of thumb do you use to decide which construct to use and make sure the code is doing what you think it is doing

The operator precedence rules.

|| binds tightly, or binds weakly. There is no "rule of thumb".

If you must have a rule of thumb, how about "only use or when there is no lvalue":


open my $fh, '>', 'file' or die "Failed to open file: $!"


my $greeting = greet() || $fallback || 'OH HAI';

I agree with MJD about avoiding parens; if you don't know the rules, look them up... but don't write (open(my $fh, '>', 'file')) or (die("Failed to open file: $!")) "just to be sure", please.

Solution 3:

In Perl 5, "or" and "and" have lower precedence than "||" and "&&". Check out this PerlMonks thread for more info:


Solution 4:

Both versions are short-circuiting in Perl, but the 'textual' forms ('and' and 'or') have a lower precedence than their C-style equivalents.


Solution 5:

My guess is that or3 is different.

I'm not really a Perl guy, but it looks like 1, 2, and 4 all explicitly return booleans. I'm guessing 3 has side effects, such as returning $a or something crazy like that.

looks down

Hey, I was right.