Is there a way to tell surefire to skip tests in a certain package?

Solution 1:

Let me extend Sean's answer. This is what you set in pom.xml:


Then in CI you start them like this:

mvn -Pfast test

That's it.

Solution 2:

Sure, no problem:

         <!-- classes that include the name Dao -->
         <!-- classes in a package whose last segment is named dao -->


  • Maven Surefire Plugin > Inclusions and Exclusions of Tests

(The excludes can not be configured via command line, so if you want to turn this behavior on conditionally, you will have to define a profile and activate that on the command line)

Solution 3:

It is possible to exclude tests using the commandline; using ! to exclude.

Note: I'm not sure but possibly needs 2.19.1 or later version of surefire to work.


This will not run TestHCatLoaderEncryption

mvn install '-Dtest=!TestHCatLoaderEncryption'

Exclude a package:

mvn install '-Dtest=!org.apache.hadoop.**'

This can be combined with positive filters as well. The following will run 0 tests:

mvn install '-Dtest=Test*CatLoaderEncryption,!TestHCatLoaderEncryption'

See the Maven Surefire docs.