New posts in performance

ConfigurationManager.AppSettings Caching

Why does RuboCop suggest replacing with

Measuring Disk IO programmatically

perfmon.exe itself taking 52.71% of CPU on Windows 7 after chrome dies?

View page source in Chrome is extremely slow

B trees vs binary trees

Will unity performance improve in natty or remain slow?

How to tweak Ubuntu running on an old PC?

Is RAID 6 a good choice regarding performance on server used for computation?

Which is faster? ByVal or ByRef?

In Ubuntu 20.10 cpu clock fixed at 800MHz

How do I improve my performance of my MBP (2009) after upgrading to 10.8.2

IIS slows down at 1000 concurrent connections

Good computer, good windows performance, terrible Ubuntu performance?

Windows 10 boot suddenly takes 10-20 minutes

Slow user session in Windows 2016 Server with SQL Server Standard

Linux tape drive throughput performance statistics

Exhausting Linux machine TCP socket limit (~70k)?

Why do virtual machine files on a ramdisk not run faster than on a physical disk?

How to forcast the spec of a Linux load balancer?