New posts in orm


Hibernate triggering constraint violations using orphanRemoval

Batch inserts with JPA/EJB3

Bulk update in SQLAlchemy Core using WHERE

What is the difference between a session and a transaction in JPA 2.0?

Which Micro ORM to use? [closed]

SQLAlchemy ordering by count on a many to many relationship

sqlalchemy: create relations but without foreign key constraint in db?

Filter by CharField pretending it is DateField in Django ORM/mySql

How to get next value of SQL Server sequence in Entity Framework?

When to Use EntityManager.clear()?

How does group by works in sequelize?

Dapper and SQL Injections

Is there such thing CASE expression in JPQL?

Grails domain class: unique constraint for multiple columns

How do you join two tables on a foreign key field using django ORM?

Eclipse does not recognize content of persistence.xml

sequelize "findbyid" is not a function but apparently "findAll" is

TypeORM: Dynamically set database schema for EntityManager (or repositories) at runtime?

What is Entity Framework fluent api?