New posts in option

How to hide optgroup/option elements?

how to make sure select option text align in the center in IE?

What does sed -i option do?

JQuery Hide Option doesn't work in IE and Safari

What's the difference between GNU99 and C99 (Clang)?

set option "selected" attribute from dynamic created option

A javascript design pattern for options with default values?

Difference between terms: "option", "argument", and "parameter"?

android: changing option menu items programmatically

How to implement the --verbose or -v option into a script?

How to filter None's out of List[Option]?

What values can appear in the "selected" attribute of the "option" tag?

What's the difference of "./configure" option "--build", "--host" and "--target"?

Is it bad to put <span /> tags inside <option /> tags, only for string manipulation not styling?

Is there a way to apply a CSS style on HTML5 datalist options?

using href links inside <option> tag

How do you remove all the options of a select box and then add one option and select it with jQuery?