New posts in operating-systems

Does this mean that Tor saves private information?

What are the technical differences between Windows Vista and Windows 7?

65536 +1 Connection on a system

How is the operating system able to know the battery level?

In Linux what happens if 1000 files in a directory are moved to another location while another 300 files were added to the source directory?

Linux is to mount as Windows is to _______?

How many Operating Systems allowed in a single computer [closed]

Do 64bit software/applications require more RAM than their 32bit counterparts?

What does an operating system look like without a shell?

How to make VIM settings computer-dependent in .vimrc?

What is there in an Operating System other than the kernel

cat /proc/meminfo what do all those numbers mean

Was Windows 95 an Operating System? [closed]

Before Operating systems, What concept was used to make them work? [closed]

What are "Commited Memory", "Cached", "Paged", "Not-paged pool" & How They are Different with "In-Use Memory"

How computers display raw, low-level text and graphics

Is it still necessary to shut down computers?

Would an executable need an OS kernel to run?

Theoretically possible to run two operating systems simultaneously?

What is the difference between 64-bit and 32-bit Operating systems? [duplicate]