New posts in openvpn

.ovpn-configuration (sophos) file can not be imported [duplicate]

Timing issues with OpenVPN and NFS mounts (Debian Squeeze)

Unable to login via PAM and ldap: failed to get password

OpenVPN steps to configure only username/password authentication

Push DNS for only a domain OpenVPN

l2tp/ipsec problem

What is the difference between shadowsocks and openvpn?

OpenVPN failing on self-signed certificate over udp, works over tcp

How do I route all traffic from clients connected to the DD-WRT to its OpenVPN tunnel tun0?

Access OpenVPN client network from server

OpenVPN over TCP, terrible latency but only on Win7 x64

OpenVPN client reconnecting due to --ping-restart even if traffic is flowing both ways

Windows openvpn client is connected but ip not changing

Routing setup for OpenVPN server on Amazon EC2

How to route traffic from private network to openvpn subnet (and back)

OpenVPN client with two interfaces

AWS: Subnets vs Security groups for setting up a VPC

Is it possible to have 2 different VPN connections simultaneously on the same machine? maybe on different network interfaces?

OpenVPN OpenSSL entry 22: invalid expiry date

Config import on network-manager-openvpn