New posts in opensuse

How to enable systemd's journal audit transport?

VT-x/AMD-V Work-Around For VirtualBox?

equivalent development/build tools for suse professional 11

How to configure a DNS server by YAST2

Is it possible to close the gui of a virtualbox vm and return it to headlessly running without rebooting it with opensuse as host system

How do you create a chroot environment for OpenSUSE Leap?

Equivalent of openSuse "zypper ps" on other distros?

Cannot Login as root

Change location of maildir

Need to find which drives are mirrored within RAID-10 array

exactly 90 seconds to restart apache httpd

Kubernetes can't mount NFS volumes after NFS server update and reboot

Why is cron running twice?

Insufficient permissions for device in Android Studio Workspace running in openSUSE 13.2

Opensuse port forwarding 80 to 8080 not working

Postfix service enabled but won't start on reboot

dkimproxy unable to read private key

Ubuntu, Fedora, openSUSE comparison

zypper: how to list all active package repos?

Quickly change audio device in KDE