New posts in null

Why null cast a parameter? [duplicate]

Why can't I check if a 'DateTime' is 'Nothing'?

check if variable empty

How to specify null value as filter in a Doctrine query?

Best ruby idiom for "nil or zero"

Best way to check for null values in Java?

Java method dispatch with null argument

string.Empty vs null.Which one do you use?

Is there a way to set a variable up to place output to stdout or null?

Why does 'fopen' return a NULL pointer?

Check if returned value is not null and if so assign it, in one line, with one method call

Should the hash code of null always be zero, in .NET

Null parameter checking in C#

C# code won't compile. No implicit conversion between null and int [duplicate]

switch with var/null strange behavior

What is the use of adding a null key or value to a HashMap in Java?

Why are NULL pointers defined differently in C and C++?

Difference between NULL and null in PHP

Is there a Ruby, or Ruby-ism for not_nil? opposite of nil? method?

Difference between nil, NIL and, null in Objective-C