New posts in normed-spaces

The median minimizes the sum of absolute deviations (the ℓ2 norm) [duplicate]

$ L ^ 2 $ norm of a function and its derivative

Frobenius norm is not induced

Is there an easy example of a vector space which can not be endowed with the structure of a Banach space

If $X$ is a normed space and $Y$ a finite dimensional subspace, then $Y$ is closed.

Maximum subset sum of $d$-dimensional vectors

Matrix Norm Inequality $\lVert A\rVert_\infty \leq \sqrt{n} \lVert A\rVert_2$

Transform a matrix to have determinant 1

With inner product $\langle f,g\rangle=\int_0^{2\pi}f(t)\overline{g(t)}dt$ on $L_2[0,2\pi]$ how do $||f||$, $||f||_2$ and $\langle f,f\rangle$ relate?

Must a "projector" on a normed space be bounded?

Is a norm a continuous function?

Is that true that $\|g\circ f\|\leq \|g\|\cdot\|f\|$?

prove that a function is an inner product

2-norm vs operator norm

In a finite-dimentional Hausdorff locally convex vector space, how to prove there exists a seminorm which is a norm?

Show that an open linear map between normed spaces is surjective.

Calculate the norm of a polynomial knowing inner product

Can the image of a not-bounded "projector" on a normed space be closed?

Intersection between orthogonal complement of a subspace and a set

convergence of sequence of averages the other way around