New posts in normed-spaces

Find function that minimizes the distance from $f$ to $g$ with respect to the $L_2$-norm

If every two-dimensional (vector) subspace of a normed space is an inner product space, then so is that normed space

A problem regarding neighborhood of a point in Normed linear space

Hypervolume of a $N$-dimensional ball in $p$-norm

Continuity of a bilinear form with respect to weak$^*$ topology [closed]

How are norms different from absolute values?

Prove $\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}\|A\|_{\infty} \leq\|A\|_{2} \leq \sqrt{m}\|A\|_{\infty} $

$L^1_{\text{loc}}$, Frechet Space and norm-distance

How to prove $\lvert \lVert x \rVert - \lVert y \rVert \rvert \overset{\heartsuit}{\leq} \lVert x-y \rVert$?

How to develop an intuitive feel for spaces

Normed vector spaces over finite fields

Question on Stein and Shakarchi's proof of Proposition 2.5 ($f(x-h) \rightarrow f$ in $L^1$ as $h \rightarrow 0$)

Does every $\mathbb{R},\mathbb{C}$ vector space have a norm?

The openness of the set of positive definite square matrices

Sum of closed subspaces of normed linear space

Understanding the properties and use of the Laplacian matrix (and its norm)

Boundedness and pointwise convergence imply weak convergence in $\ell^p$

If every absolutely convergent series is convergent then $X$ is Banach

Finite-dimensional subspace normed vector space is closed

Are isometric normed linear spaces isomorphic?