New posts in normed-spaces

Hamel Dimension of Infinite Dimensional Separable Banach Space

Let $x_n$ a sequence in a Banach Space $B$ such that give a $\epsilon>0$, there is a convergent sequence $\{y_n\}$ with $\|y_n-x_n\|<\epsilon$

Gradient of squared Frobenius norm

Proving that $X$ is a Banach space iff convergence of $\sum\|x_n\|$ implies convergence of $\sum x_n$

A commutator identity for bounded linear maps and the identity operator of a non-zero normed space is never a commutator

Counterexamples of Arzèla Ascoli theorem for non-obeyed criteria

Complete Inequivalent Norms

Banach space with respect to two norms must be Banach wrt the sum of the norms?

Proof that multiplying by the scalar 1 does not change the vector in a normed vector space.

Can we define any metric on $\Bbb{R^\omega}$ so that it represents a norm?

Linear isometry and operator norm $=1$

Norm of a vector-valued function?

How to show $\text{Given any sequence} (x^{(n)}) _{n\in\mathbb{N}}\text{ converges to } x \text{ in } (X ,|| •||), \text {X :finite dimensional NLS?}$

Is a completion of an algebraically closed field with respect to a norm also algebraically closed?

How to decompose a normed vector space into direct sums with a kernel of functions.

Show that the operator is invertible

Proving Holder's inequality for Schatten norms

Show that norm of matrix $A$ is given by the square root of the largest eigenvalue of $A^tA$

Inequalities in $l_p$ norm

Norm with symmetric positive definite matrix