New posts in multi-core

No ACPI support for my PC, what can I do?

Multi-core CPU: can I say I have a 3x2.1GHz=6.3GHz CPU?

For better performance should I install 32-bit or 64-bit?

Execute curl requests in parallel in bash

Why does my Intel i7-920 display 8 cores instead of 4 cores?

Virtualized CPU cores vs. threads

difference between taskset and cpuset

Why is my dual-core CPU recognized as a quad-core one?

Why is the "top" command showing a CPU usage of 799%?

Cores vs Threads: How many threads should I run on this machine?

How to compress or hide the processors at top of htop on large machines?

Multi-Core Compression tools

How do I calculate clock speed in multi-core processors?

Why do we have CPUs with all the cores at the same speeds and not combinations of different speeds?

Compiz using 8% - 25% CPU continually

Disable CPU cores in bios?

What is the difference between hyper-threading and multiple cores?

CPU Cores: The more the better?

How to tell how many CPUs (cores) you have on Windows 7

Is a higher core count or higher clock speed more beneficial to a computer's performance? [closed]