difference between taskset and cpuset
I'm trying to reduce the latency of my linux network application. I've learned that there are two tools for "binding" a program to particular CPU core: taskset and cpuset.
- Which one should I prefer? Are they equivalent on a lower level?
- (the disposition) My application has single thread and is supposed to process single tcp connection (no reconnect) over fast LAN network with the least possible latency. Am I on the right way?
Solution 1:
Taskset is for binding a process to one or more CPUs; essentially specifying where it can run at initial execution or while it's running. If using RHEL/CentOS on modern server equipment, numactl
is recommended over taskset
Cpuset/cset is for CPU shielding and is a framework build around Linux cgroups. Cset was never popular on certain distributions (like RHEL) because there are other tools available for process management.
The first command below creates a shield that would limit the operating system's tasks to CPU cores 0 and 8. The second would move your current shell session to the CPU shield specified, resulting in an isolation of system and user processes.
# cset shield --cpu 1-7,9-15 --kthread=on
# cset proc --move --pid=$$ --threads --toset=user
There are other things to possibly check for and tune before you go down the path of binding processes to CPUs; interrupts (irqbalance
partial disablement), power-saving settings, system scheduler, I/O elevators, realtime policy (chrt
See: Low latency TCP settings on Ubuntu
Here's a (convoluted) example of an application wrapper that selects a core, stops irqbalance, starts it and blacklists the selected core, then executes ./your_program with SCHED_FIFO and priority 99 on the selected core.
CoreMask=`echo "16 o 2 $Core ^ p" | dc`
service irqbalance stop
until [ "`service irqbalance status`" = "irqbalance is stopped" ] ; do sleep 1 ; done
sleep 1
until [ "`service irqbalance status`" = "irqbalance is stopped" ] ; do sleep 1 ; done
numactl --physcpubind=${Core} --localalloc chrt -f 99 ./your_program