New posts in mobile-safari

iOS 13 Request Mobile Site

Why does mobile Safari revert to "Never accept cookies"?

How long does Mobile Safari keep read items of Reading List in cache?

Why does Safari on the iPhone sometimes display a broken play image for YouTube videos?

Preventing default context menu on longpress / longclick in mobile Safari (iPad / iPhone)

Difference between onbeforeunload and onunload

Strange behavior of select/dropdown's onchange() JS event when using 'Next' on Mobile Safari Dropdown list item select box

iPad Safari mobile seems to ignore z-indexing position for html5 video elements

iOS iPad Fixed position breaks when keyboard is opened

How do I turn off the "Reader" button in Mobile Safari?

iOS 9 Safari: changing an element to fixed position while scrolling won't paint until scroll stops

block "GET - On the App Store" link ads in Mobile Safari

How do I view title text for a web page on a mobile device?

Stop reloading of web app launched from iPhone Home Screen

How to "Ctrl-F" in iPhone's Safari browser?

How do I stop my fixed navigation from moving like this when the virtual keyboard opens in Mobile Safari?

How do I set Google as Safari Homepage on my iPhone?

Offline iOS web app: loads my manifest, but doesn't work offline

Debug ipad safari with a PC

Do Safari private tabs stay open after iPhone shutdown?