Strange behavior of select/dropdown's onchange() JS event when using 'Next' on Mobile Safari Dropdown list item select box

I had the same problem on my site. I was able to fix it by manually polling the selectedIndex property on the select control. That way it fires as soon as you "check" the item in the list. Here's a jQuery plugin I wrote to do this:

$.fn.quickChange = function(handler) {
    return this.each(function() {
        var self = this;
        self.qcindex = self.selectedIndex;
        var interval;
        function handleChange() {
            if (self.selectedIndex != self.qcindex) {
                self.qcindex = self.selectedIndex;
        $(self).focus(function() {
            interval = setInterval(handleChange, 100);
        }).blur(function() { window.clearInterval(interval); })
        .change(handleChange); //also wire the change event in case the interval technique isn't supported (chrome on android)

You use it just like you would use the "change" event. For instance:

$("#mySelect1").quickChange(function() { 
    var currVal = $(this).val();
    //populate mySelect2

Edit: Android does not focus the select when you tap it to select a new value, but it also does not have the same problem that iphone does. So fix it by also wiring the old change event.