New posts in minecraft-spigot

Making Spigot from FTP Work with my Computer

Plot^2 how to get rid of plot entry messages

Is it possible to increase the draw distance to more than 15 chunks in Spigot?

How to keep players in a specific PEX group from leaving an area (no plugins)?

Profiling performance of minecraft functions in datapack

How do I set up a world that is only daytime, on the same server as one with a normal day/night cycle?

Finding bed on server

Is Spigot more lightweight than a vanilla minecraft server?

Disabling command block output in the console

Load specific world in a Minecraft server at startup?

Minecraft restart bash script won't run init.d/service command

How do I disable commands for only 1 or 2 opped players (like worldedit and vanish)

Spigot server hosted on website [closed]

What are the required outbound IPs and ports on a spigot server?

How to port a pre 1.13 plugin to 1.15 or higher? [closed]

Is there a way to display shrinking vanilla world border size in chat?

Is it possible to host a spigot server and allow PE servers to connect?

Scoreboard teams gets cleared when a player moves

How to get out offline player from The End in Minecraft

Is it possible to up a Minecraft server's tickrate from 20?