New posts in microsoft-excel-2007

Force external link in Excel to break if the file can't be found

Importing multiline cells from csv file into excel

Is there any easy way to search for a specific word within a cell?

Highlight all numbers in column B with duplicates that are in column A?

Excel Conditional Formatting Multiple Data Bars and Data Icons in one cell

Colour coding blocks of rows using conditional formatting

Excel chart show year intervals on axis

Hyperlink font in Excel always changes to the default font face/size

Excel: Edit the XML inside an XLSX file

Table Formatting in Excel 2007: How do I remove it?

How to remove white space from a number

How to easily remove hyperlinks from multiple cells?

Excel Gantt chart: time line fixed start 1st each month in major steps?

Editing CSV file in Excel always converts number column to scientific notation [duplicate]

Excel Sum that excludes duplicates

How can I escape special characters in cell formatting in Excel

How to make an Excel formula which totals several adjacent rows based on cell values

Excel 2007 Conditional Formatting is not properly using custom formula provided

Excel 2007: Conditional formatting so that each row shows low values yellow, high values red

Excel: Merge two tables based on one column