New posts in metric-spaces

Metrizability of a compact Hausdorff space whose diagonal is a zero set

Walter rudin 9.32

A natural-looking distance formula

Showing that a totally bounded set is relatively compact (closure is compact)

Showing the metric $\rho=\frac{d}{d+1} $ induces the same toplogy as $d$

Sufficient condition to inscribe a polygon inside another one

Fixed Point Property for a special space?

What sorts of (sets of) equations are "approximately compatible" with the $2$-sphere?

Metric independent definition of the derivative

Prove that the following three metric space/subsequence boundedness conditions are equivalent.

Continuous functions of $(0,1)$ form a metric space

What is straight line?

Conjecture: the function $d(x, y):=\frac{||x-y||}{\max(||x||, ||y||)}$ is a distance

Metric space and continuity

The distance function on a metric space

Let $d(x,y)=|x-y|$, when does $|x-y|^p$ define a metric?

Completeness of $\ell^2$ space

Can we define any metric on $\Bbb{R^\omega}$ so that it represents a norm?

Clopen subsets of a compact metric space

Does the metric $d(x,y)=||x-y||^p$ for $0<p<1$ induce the usual topology on $\mathbb{R}^n$?