New posts in meaning

Meaning of "but" in this context [closed]

Is "hiree" a word or are there alternative words with such meaning?

Seem things in some procession of the dead [closed]

Meaning of "ZTE, which competes with Huawei in telecom equipment, was determined to have sold American-origin goods to Iran" [closed]

Does a comment really need to be about women in general, to be "misogynistic"? [closed]

Meaning of “look off”

How did "bitching" get associated with talking behind people's backs or complaining?

The meaning of "but or ever"

What does "that Frank Sinatra at the bar act" mean in this sentence?

Do you have to intend to hit a target to miss it?

Word for the Study of Time Travel [closed]

The term for the space beneath a “cathedral” ceiling

Is it a relative clause?

"To make a lie" meaning

Turn and Talk Meaning [closed]

Does "the weed" refer to tobacco or marijuana?

What is the difference between "breathe" and "blow"?

How to describe a thin mist rising from the surface of a river? [duplicate]

"Baby cat" or "baby kitten"? [closed]

How to understand strew here