New posts in meaning

Does this mean that it was the lowest price in the last eleven years?

What does this sentence in a paragraph about the Notre Dame Fire mean?

"being" usage as relative clause

Meaning of "For Brokes" [closed]

What is the meaning of 'pipeline' in business/tech news?

What does 'shrink' mean in this sentence: "I don't talk about me like a TV show character would to his shrink" [duplicate]

'In' as a verb - meaning (lands inned)

what is the difference between employ and employment

"Active" or "activated"?

What does a library mean other than a place for a collection of books?

Is it considered offensive to describe someone as a Saracen? [closed]

What does "U" mean in a "2U herd"?

What does "this is a reach" mean?

Optimisation fence [closed]

Indian English use of “only” for emphasis

Analog vs Digital: Describing modes of note-taking

Meaning of “bile” from Great Expectations

What is the difference between "to view" and "to see"?

meaning of the word "dressing" in this paragraph?

Interpretation -"The highest as the lowest form"