New posts in mass-effect-3-multiplayer

ME3: unlocking Rebellion and Resurgence pack characters and weapons?

How long do you remain unconscious in multiplayer?

How are race/class combinations unlocked in Mass Effect 3 multiplayer?

Is there any reason to save credits in mulitplayer rather than blowing them immediately on packs?

When do you get upgrades for the Promotional weapons?

How can I play Asari Vanguard effectively?

What affects credits received at the end of a ME3 match?

Permanent readiness from promoting multiplayer characters in ME3?

What is a good strategy for Reave?

How does one unlock a Volus Adept?

Characters with good synergy in ME3 Multiplayer

How does the damage bonus of Tactical Cloak work with automatic weapons?

My teammates keep getting between me and the bad guys. Can I shoot through them?

Can I play as Batarian, Elcor, Geth, Hanar, Rachni or Volus in ME3 multiplayer?

What are the rewards for playing multiplayer on each difficulty?

How do I use Decoy effectively?

Do weapon mods last one match?

Is it possible to get the best ME3 ending without Live Gold membership?

What determines when grenade pickups respawn in ME3 multiplayer?

Are items in ME3 multiplayer shared across characters?