What is a good strategy for Reave?

I cannot find any good uses for Reave. From what I understand, it absorbs a little health and weakens them (and while they are weakened, I get a little bit of extra defense).

But it does not work on many things it seems, like Geth Prime. Normally when it hits, it gives me a glowing aura that represents my extra defense. But when I use it on say Geth Prime, nothing happens.

Solution 1:

It's very good for spamming biotic detonations with another biotic, for several reasons:

  1. It has no travel time, so enemies can't dodge it.
  2. It can affect multiple targets, setting up multiple detonation opportunities.
  3. It works as both "set up" and "trigger", unlike e.g. Pull which can only initiate a combo, or Throw which can only work as the "trigger".

It's also good on its own against organic targets, but less useful against synthetics, since you only get the extra defense when it's used against organics.

Solution 2:

As a Drell Adept, it is devastating when you use it to set up explosions triggered by Cluster Grenade.

Cast Reave first, then bounce Cluster Grenades on the floor in between you and a target. This will take out a Brute in one shot on Bronze, and, if executed correctly, will take a third to half off of a Prime/Banshee/Atlas on Gold.

As a Justicar, you can cast your Bubble in a choke point, and take the Warp upgrade. Then cast Reave on anything that walks through the Bubble, setting off explosions.

Plus everything that Hammar said too.